Two dogs running on grass with tennis balls in their mouths

National Desexing Month: an initiative sparing the lives of companion animals.

Here's how you can help dogs, cats, and the communities they live in.
Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated June 14, 2023

Australians love their companion animals. Almost two out of three households in the country are graced with a furry family member. Knowing how much we adore their cuddles and quirks, it is difficult to think that over 200 dogs or cats who are lost or abandoned lose their lives every day in pounds and shelters across Australia. 

The euthanasia of thousands of animals per year is the devastating reality when humans permit irresponsible breeding or abandon companion animals, perpetuating the ongoing issue of ‘pet overpopulation’. Dogs and cats, born in ‘accidental’ litters or to stray mums, too often aren’t given the opportunity to live full, happy lives – there simply aren’t enough homes for them all.

Whether you have a companion animal (or are considering opening your home and heart to one), are a veterinarian, or a member of Council, you can get involved this National Desexing Month.

This image contains content which some may find confronting

National Desexing Month – July 2023

Animals Australia is a proud sponsor of National Desexing Month, an important initiative from the Animal Welfare League QLD.

More than 100 vets are offering discounts and special deals during July 2023 to make desexing your pet more affordable and accessible.

Why desex dogs and cats?

Desexing dogs and cats before reproductive age (2-3 months) is critical to stop animal overpopulation and the euthanasia of unwanted animals. As unpleasant as it may be to take your little bestie in for the procedure, know you are helping to spare animals just like them from ending up in pounds or shelters, or from a difficult life as a stray. 

Beyond this, desexing dogs and cats can also help to improve their health and longevity, by preventing potential health issues associated with not being desexed.

How to get involved this July:

  • If you have a companion animal:
    You could be eligible for discounted desexing for your companion. Head to the pet owners section of for a list of vets participating in low-cost desexing during National Desexing Month. Please note caring community members who feed cats living on the streets can also participate and get these cats desexed too.
  • If you are a veterinarian:
    register here if your clinic can offer discounted desexing and join other vet clinics across the country that are helping to end companion animal overpopulation.
  • If you are a Council anywhere in Australia:
    Please register your interest in
    starting an NDN Co-operative Desexing Program here.

This image contains content which some may find confronting

A white dog enjoying cuddles on sofa
“Desexed animals ... are likely to be more relaxed and affectionate and, generally, live longer and happier lives.”
Dr Joy Verrinder, Animal Welfare League QLD’s Strategic Director

Other ways you can help humankind’s best friends: 

  • Avoid impulse decisions. When considering bringing an animal into your home, take the time needed to properly assess if you are ready to make a life-long commitment to an animal. For some, fostering offers a more suitable level of flexibility while still being a wonderful way to help animals in need of a loving home. 
  • Take the pledge today to adopt, not shop, and encourage friends and family to do the same. If and when you are ready to share your life with a furry friend, find a local rescue shelter or head to the Pet Rescue website here.
Adoption gives animals in need a deserved second chance. Meet Maddigan - rescued companion of Liv from the Animals Australia team.

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